Thursday, May 9, 2013

Week 6

I started working on my technology enhancing project this week. My webquest on Night animals was ready  so I tried it with two different classes and let me say that there's a long way until my students and I get used to working with webquests. First, we had some problems with sound and the internet  and then when we finally had everybody on task there were only twenty minutes left to do the activities. Anyway,  I saw some other things to improve such as giving some websites to do the searches or providing a handout as a draft for the texts. We still need two more days to finish the webquest but my students enjoyed the first day and I hope learned a lot too.

Today I was talking to a teacher friend that was very proud of having prepared a lesson for her students
with all the tasks specified. The main task was asking some questions to older students about education.They had to prepare the questions and ask the other class They were secondary school students and the teacher had to leave some days on a trip. When she came back she asked the students how was the project and the interviews they had made. To her surprise the students said they couldn't ask the questions because nobody introduced them to the other students so they didn't know who they were even if they went to the same Secondary school.
So the teacher had the perfect lesson but forgot to "introduce" students. In the era of chatting and Facebook that sounds like a cheap excuse, or maybe not? Maybe it needed some planning too?


  1. Hi Angels,

    I suppose, with all these technology, the traditional 'hello-hi-how are you' physically is still needed for real communication to take place. Well maybe there is a need for a plan to do so. :)


  2. Hi Angels,
    I agree with you that total physical responses (TPR) also are important in our class to break the ice . I liked the way you are working in the class to activate group work. Your students are lucky .

  3. Hi Angels
    Two very interesting experiences. Thanks for sharing these, they have very different lessons to be learned. As far as webquests, they may not be your final technology destination, but only a step along the way. I'm glad you tried it and think there is much value and much to be learned each time we try technology. Next time I am sure it will go a little bit better, whatever tech tool you use.
